We’re Live On Kickstarter

The Tears of a Machine SC is now live and accepting your backing. Help us to make this game something that we can share far and wide. Your support will allow us to transform the text with more art, professional layout, and release in physical and digital formats.

Most importantly, you’ll be funding the recording of the text into audio that can be used as a supplement to the text but also in a read-along accessible audio book.

Visit the Kickstarter page to learn more. Share the news and ask your questions. Thank you all for helping us to make this game happen!

Cover Image for The Tears of a Machine SC. Two pilots sit in the outstretched hand of a fallen robotit statue. Another giant robot stands by behind them.

Countdown to Kickstarter and Some Thoughts on Accessibility in Design
We’ve Got History: The Legulus, the Ven, and Earth in The Tears of a Machine SC

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